Employers Resource

Learn the Basics of FICA and Futa Payroll Taxes with Our Expert Guide.

What are FICA and FUTA?

Highlights What are FICA and FUTA? Both stand for federal laws that fund key government programs. FICA stands forFederal Insurance Contributions Act and funds Social Security and Medicare. FUTA stands for Federal Unemployment Tax Act and funds (you guessed it) unemployment benefits. Accurately calculating and withholding FICA and FUTA taxes...

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These Are the Most Common Types of Payroll Deductions and Withholdings

6 Common Types of Payroll Deductions and Withholdings

Highlights Trying to explain why your employee’s paychecks are smaller than they expected can be complicated. Are you trying to help an employee understand their types of payroll deductions and withholdings? This article sheds light on the most common withholdings and deductions affecting take-home pay, making things smoother for both...

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Learn About Peo Payroll Services and Why Your Business Needs Them

What Are PEO Payroll Services and Why Do You Need Them

Highlights Payroll processing is a core business function — and you need to get it right. However, it involves complex calculations and can be prone to error, exposing companies to unexpected penalties. With PEO payroll services, small and mid-sized businesses can delegate this responsibility to a strategic partner and benefit...

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2019 New Year HR Checklist

2019 New Year HR Compliance Checklist

Welcome to the new year! You’re feeling fresh (we hope), and ready to brave the pile of HR projects on your desk. Get a clean, organized start with our New Year HR Compliance Checklist. [hs_cta id=’0083c86d-b6ef-4d6e-a4b4-835dc27ebae2′] The transition from one year to the next is often challenging for HR professionals,...

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Another Successful National Payroll Week

As National Payroll Week ends, we want to thank our team of payroll professionals. Paying people correctly is not as simple as it sounds, and we appreciate the dedication and hard work of all who make it possible to serve our clients. Anaheim’s National Payroll Week Boise Branch Crazy Hat...

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Anaheim Branch Celebrates NPW

National Payroll Week was founded in 1996 by the American Payroll Association.  APA members use the week to spread awareness of the payroll withholding system by educating youth and the national workforce about their wages and payroll taxes.  

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