We’ve been defenders of small business for the past 30 years. We’re going to continue to however we can. For example, if we feel like small business owners are up against a new obstacle placed directly in their way by their own state government, we speak up.
This is exactly what’s happening with this new Idaho Tax Incentive program.
Our very own George Gersema sat down with the Idaho Statesman to give his take on the new Business Tax Incentive program. He questions the fairness of the program and how it inherently lends itself to larger companies while hurting small businesses in Idaho.
Watch the video below to see some of George’s comments with The Idaho Statesman.
This is not capitalism.
Small companies don’t create that number of jobs at the drop of a hat,” Gersema said. “The incentive structure is tilted toward the big at the exclusion of the small.”
This is our government overstepping their role and disrupting the natural course of business by offering large sums of money to companies who can meet certain requirements. Large companies are the only ones who are capable of qualifying for this program. What we are left with is the government turning to large out-of-state companies, who would not be here if not for the program, and handing them your tax money. Government intervention at its finest.
This is Idaho tax dollars being used to lure out-of-state businesses.
Other states have created similar programs, and Idaho is trying to compete with them.
There’s other ways we can attract new businesses to Idaho.The state assumes incentive recipients would not come to Idaho without tax breaks.
Small businesses can create a BIG Voice
What do you think of a program that lures large out-of-state companies to set up shop in your homestate, using your tax dollars, so you can compete with them for talent and business? We’re guessing other small employers won’t love the idea either.
This is something that will have a tragic impact on many locally grown small businesses here in the state of Idaho.
Don’t wait until your business is directly impacted by this policy. Small businesses in Idaho need to band together to create a BIG voice against this program.
Idaho business owners can’t speak up unless they know that this is going on. Please help us spread awareness so that others can join this movement to strike down this kind of state policy making.
Comment here, let us know what you think. Or use the hashtag #taxbreakingidaho to join the conversation and stand together for small business in Idaho and everywhere.